The List




1 Art & Crafts Make a clay sculpture
2 Art & Crafts Make Christmas gifts for 2012
3 Art & Crafts Paint a picture
4 Art & Crafts Re-learn to knit and make something
5 Art & Crafts Sew a queen sized duvet
6 Art & Crafts Take a glass blowing class - August 2012
7 Community Commit a random act of kindness that personally costs me more than $100
8 Community Leave an outrageous tip for a food server 
9 Community Work on the 2012 presidential campaign - September 2012
10 Community Work to help feed the needy at Thanksgiving
11 Education Apply to the Horticulture program at Yavapai CC for fall 2012
12 Education Go to the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff
13 Education Make a how to video for You Tube
14 Education Memorize a poem
15 Entertainment Be a member of an audience of a TV show
16 Entertainment Complete a puzzle - July 9, 2012
17 Entertainment See my first 3D movie in the theaters
18 Environment Complete a Northern Arizona bird list
19 Environment Get a forest service Christmas tree permit and cut my own Christmas tree - November 2012
20 Environment Participate in the February 2013 Cornell Backyard Bird Count
21 Family & Friends Digitize family photos
22 Family & Friends Have my first GNO event - September 2012
23 Family & Friends Reconnect with an old friend or relative
24 Family & Friends Rent a limo with friends - September 2012
25 Financial Establish a living trust and/or will
26 Financial Save money for…
27 Food/Cooking 100th birthday - Oreo cookie - make an Oreo cookie dessert and invite friends to share
28 Food/Cooking Make a prime rib
29 Food/Cooking Make an outrageous cake 
30 Food/Cooking Make wine
31 Gardening/Sustainability Create and plant a fruit orchard
32 Gardening/Sustainability Plant a grape vineyard
33 Gardening/Sustainability Plant a lavender garden
34 Gardening/Sustainability Plant wildflower and grasses garden
35 Health & Exercise Be a vegetarian for a month
36 Health & Exercise Do a 1-2 day juice fast
37 Health & Exercise Join a hiking club
38 Health & Exercise Learn yoga
39 Health & Exercise Participate in 5k walk/run event

40 Just for Fun Fly a kite from my back yard
41 Just for Fun Go cross country skiing
42 Just for Fun Go ice skating
43 Just for Fun Go to an arcade 
44 Just for Fun Go to the Prescott Zoo - December 2012
45 Just for Fun Have a 60th birthday party - May 26, 2012
46 Just for Fun Kayak on Watson & Lynx lake
47 Just for Fun Learn a card trick and perform for friends & family
48 Just for Fun Ride a segway - June 9, 2012
49 Just for Fun Send a message in a bottle - October 2012
50 Just for Fun Visit Bearazona
51 Just for Fun Water to wine tour
52 Music Play the flute with a x-mas recital 2012
53 Music Take singing lessons
54 Travel Go to Bisbee - Art District - August 2012
55 Travel Go to Ramsey Canyon - August 2012
56 Travel Ride the rail in Phoenix Metro area
57 Travel Walk on the glass floor of the Grand Canyon
58 Writing Establish the 60/60 Blog April, 2012
59 Writing Start a novel
60 Writing Write a poem