Thursday, June 21, 2012 | By: Susan

Puzzle - Part 1

June 20, 2012 - Item#16 - working 
I purchased two puzzles at the local Goodwill yesterday; 500 pieces for $.99 and 550 pieces for $1.49.  I chose the first puzzle because on the bottom of the box it stated "no pieces missing".  Actually, I hadn't thought about missing pieces.  Obviously buying used, it is a certain possibility!  But you can not beat the price!  The price of new puzzles surprised me, $12-$15 for a 500 piece.

Currently working...
 I have not worked on a puzzle in over 20 years! 

This one might be hard! OMG, you can see my feet in this picture
So, where to start?  I remembered that you start with the edges of the puzzle and so I did.  It really did not take too long to find all of the "flat edged" pieces and assemble them.  Of course, I had to continually refer to the picture on the box.  OMG what do I do next?  There are a lot of little pieces!!!  I am overwhelmed!

I decided to do a little sorting by color, not an easy task.  Do I work on same color that go together then find the place within the puzzle where they belong?  I am sure there is a strategy, but I have no clue.  I just hope I do not get frustrated and think it is a waste of time...  On the other hand, I am sure it is a good mental exercise!  Stay tuned for Part 2...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 | By: Susan

I am feeling the pressure...

Item#16 - Complete a Puzzle
Since I am feeling the pressure to get another "thing" completed from my list, I am off to the thrift stores to find a puzzle to complete.  I thought I would save this thing until the winter, but my evenings are filled with too much TV!  I am hoping this will give me a different type of evening activity!

I was looking for puzzles on line and found free electronic puzzles.  I completed this online puzzle of 50 pieces in 8:45 minutes.  They are easier because the pieces are in the proper orientation...

But alas my goal is to complete are box puzzle. Off to the thrift stores!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | By: Susan

Searching for the right Poem...

Item#14 - Memorize a Poem
I am searching the internet for a poem to memorize, not an easy task.  I have found many of the classics, much of which are very dark... I think my best bet is go to the local library and select some books of poetry, read them to find a favorite!  Or perhaps I need to visit a local Poetry Slam event!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 | By: Susan

Having Difficulty!

Item#15 - Planning
Finding tickets to be an audience member of a TV show is proving to be more difficult then I had anticipated!  I am taking a road trip to the southern CA area and was hoping to get item XX completed while I was there!  It appears as if many shows are on hiatus.  I would prefer to go to one of my favorite TV shows, but at this point I think I can not be picky!  I will continue my search, but things are not looking good for July 2012!

Here are some of websites which offer tickets:

Sunday, June 10, 2012 | By: Susan

Be One with the Machine...

June 9, 2012 - Item#48 - 3 down, 57 to go...
we heard that phrase often during our training!  I will be the first to say that riding a Segway is different than most machines I have ever ridden or driven.  It is always in motion, so there is a balancing of the forward and backward motion.  Actually there are sensors in the foot pads; at the toe of your foot to move the machine forward and at the heal to move you backwards.  There is no kill switch!  So, if you fall off (not too likely unless you are Ellen practicing on the dipping pavement!  LOL) it keeps moving for ten feet before it stops.  Kind of weird... 

My biggest problem at first was turning left; my brain said left, but my body moved right!  I fixed it before too long!  Good thing because I almost went off the practice track a few times and it was bout 10 feet down! But for all three of us, it did not take long before we were "one with the machine" and off on the tour!  
Our Adventures Out West instructors almost had a head on collision! You had to see it to believe  it!  They were inches from each other before they stopped (backed-up).  This photo does not capture the instant of near miss... 

Joel & Carmen from the Phoenix area were also on our tour - they were experienced Segway drivers
from left to right - Ellen, Connie & Susan in Sedona
We rode the machines for over an hour in the Jordan Rd area with lovely homes, landscaping and beautiful red rock vistas!  The three of us had a great time and we would all do it again!  Actually, I want one!!!  The tour operator gave us a little patch as a souvenir.  

We drove back to Prescott via Jerome and stopped at the Haunted Hamburger for a bite to eat; good burgers with a view.  We missed our first seating call because we were roaming the unique shops in town, but we got seating shortly after we were back at the restaurant.  We headed from Jerome over Mingus Mt. and relaxed when we got back to my house. 

Thanks to Connie and Ellen for joining me on this adventure!
Monday, June 4, 2012 | By: Susan

You Only Turn 60 Once!

May 26, 2012 - Item#45 - 2 down, 58 to go...
I held my Birthday Brunch on Saturday, May 26th.
Thanks to Linda who made these javelina cookies! hmmm...
Melinda, Walter and Mona (the dog) arrived late morning, Friday .  They brought one of my birthday gifts strapped to the bed of the pick-up; a shipping crate converted into a garden shed!  Quickly, Walter moved the big box into place and we left it alone until Monday.

Unfortunately, a weather front was moving in and on Saturday it was a high of 65 and lots of WINDS!  As a result, we scrambled to move the event from under the outdoor dining area (old carport) to the new garage. 

Food set-up and an eating area was a challenge because I lost one table, my granite art table that could not be moved into the garage.  The winds blew over the flower arrangements, spilled water, broke glasses and the table cloths were difficult to keep down.  However after some creative ideas we managed to keep everything in it's place!  With no doors or windows the winds still whipped through the garage and a few guests were a bit chilly!

Lots of friends from the valley came up to celebrate with me…
Melinda, Walter and Mona – who stayed with me
Ellen & Connie     - who stayed with me
Mike & Laurie and sons
Annelies & Jon      - who stayed with Laurie & Mike
Mark & Modesta    - who stayed with Laurie & Mike
Roland & Lisa       - who traveled back that day
Cindy & Mike       - who traveled back that day
Linda & Dan                   - my neighbors with friends form Colorado
Missing were Phil & Lisa, Darlene & Milt, Sandra & Lou and Wendy & Tom

After the great food and mimosas we hiked Granite Mt.  Most went the entire loop of 3.25 miles.  It was a beautiful hike including seeing the Mt Boomer lizard and a field of thistles.

Thanks to Ellen who found the name of our lizard - Mt. Boomer
I was like in the Wizard of Oz, but instead of poppies it was thistles!
Back at the house those who stayed behind cleaned up after the brunch – you know who you are! A very special THANKS to you!!! I think that was the best birthday gift of all J

I judged the hat contest:
          Most original         - Connie
          Best Team             - Melinda & Walter
          Best All around     - Ellen

The Hat Contestants - so Mona where is your hat?!?

Then we had a little Memorial day trivia in honor of the holiday.  Yes we are smarter than a 5th grader!

Finally it was cards and gifts for the birthday girl.  Thanks to all for my birthday wishes gifts and plants!  You are the best!

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Then on Monday Walter finished off my birthday gift - the garden shed.  They bought some paving stones to set it on and moved it into a less obvious spot.  Walter added a roof, painted it and I love it!  Thank you Melinda and Walter!

Now I just need to get the land cleared and my fruit trees in!!!