Thursday, June 21, 2012 | By: Susan

Puzzle - Part 1

June 20, 2012 - Item#16 - working 
I purchased two puzzles at the local Goodwill yesterday; 500 pieces for $.99 and 550 pieces for $1.49.  I chose the first puzzle because on the bottom of the box it stated "no pieces missing".  Actually, I hadn't thought about missing pieces.  Obviously buying used, it is a certain possibility!  But you can not beat the price!  The price of new puzzles surprised me, $12-$15 for a 500 piece.

Currently working...
 I have not worked on a puzzle in over 20 years! 

This one might be hard! OMG, you can see my feet in this picture
So, where to start?  I remembered that you start with the edges of the puzzle and so I did.  It really did not take too long to find all of the "flat edged" pieces and assemble them.  Of course, I had to continually refer to the picture on the box.  OMG what do I do next?  There are a lot of little pieces!!!  I am overwhelmed!

I decided to do a little sorting by color, not an easy task.  Do I work on same color that go together then find the place within the puzzle where they belong?  I am sure there is a strategy, but I have no clue.  I just hope I do not get frustrated and think it is a waste of time...  On the other hand, I am sure it is a good mental exercise!  Stay tuned for Part 2...


tolleyb said...

Don't stress...there is no right or wrong way to do a puzzle. So far, you're doing it the way I always did. Edges first and find similar colors and put pieces togeather as you find them. Gets interesting when you have lots of clumps that are togeather. And don't worry about going back to the box cover, I remember proping it up so I could refer to it often. :)

Susan said...

Thanks for the pep talk!

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